Azerbaijan celebrates World Freedom Day with 11 journalists and bloggers in prison
3 May is celebrated as World Press Freedom Day. In 1993, the UN General Assembly proclaimed 3 May as World Press Freedom Day, which was a result of the UNESCO General Conference, which in the 1991 resolution "On the promotion of press freedom in the world" recognized that free, pluralistic and independent printing is an essential component of any democratic society.
World Press Freedom Day is an annual reminder to the international community that freedom of the press and freedom of expression are fundamental rights enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
On the eve of the World Press Freedom Day, IBAHRI - International Bar Association's Human Rights Institute published the report "Azerbaijan : freedom of expression is judged ," which assesses the situation in the country with freedom of the press and expression.
In particular, it is noted that, despite the formal presence of non-state TV channels in Azerbaijan, they are subject to "government intervention, apply self-censorship and avoid political topics." As for the print media, the opposition and independent newspapers are experiencing serious financial difficulties and their share in the total mass media does not exceed 20 percent.
Global Network "is increasingly becoming a platform of alternative thought." However, in recent years there has been a growing number of attacks on the opposition websites and arrests of activists of social networks, the document says.
The main threat to freedom of expression, according to the report's authors, is criminal penalties for defamation and harassment of journalists on trumped up charges.
By the number of imprisoned journalists and bloggers Azerbaijan is among the top ten "jailers of journalists" in the world. So, as of early 2014, in Azerbaijan were imprisoned 11 journalists and bloggers who have been prosecuted for freedom of expression, the report notes.
The international human rights organization Freedom House has published the rating status of press freedom in the world.
Azerbaijan is at the 183rd place on the list. Already facing repressions, the national media experienced a further decline due to increased government surveillance of the Internet and telephone correspondence of journalists and bloggers; blocking the site that hosted images, which was associated with the leak of documents from the state security; and , according to available information , state intervention in the satellite broadcasting Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty, the report notes .
In February, an international journalist organization Reporters without Borders released its annual "Press Freedom Index in the world in 2014," in which Azerbaijan was placed at the 160th place.
However, yesterday the Chief of the Political Department of the Presidential Administration of Azerbaijan Ali Hasanov rejected international criticism and said the country guarantees freedom of speech and press, and pluralistic media. -06D-
- Social
- 3 May 2014 13:45
On Sunday, 12 January the variable cloudiness, cloudy at times, mostly without precipitation is expected in Baku and Apsheron peninsula.
On January 11, the weather in Baku will be changeable, with no precipitation expected. In some areas of the Absheron Peninsula, short-term rain showers are possible in the morning. A moderate southwest wind will blow.
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In 2017, the Sumgayit City Court ruled to evict the Aliyev family—refugees from Gubadli (Akper, Sarvinaz, Ramil, and two other family members)—from an illegally occupied apartment in the 12th microdistrict, Building 7A, Apartment 35. The court ordered the property be returned to its rightful owner, Samaya Aliyeva. However, the Ministry of Justice intervened, citing a presidential decree from July 1, 2004, which approved a state program for improving the living and working conditions of refugees. Under this directive, refugees without alternative housing cannot be evicted until they are provided with a replacement residence by the Executive Authority.
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