Azerbaijan on 51st place in the world in terms of slavery

Revenues from the illegal use of forced labor worldwide exceed $ 150.2 billion a year - three times more than previously thought, according to the report of the International Labor Organization ( ILO).

ILO experts counted in the modern world about 21 million slaves - people forced into some difficulty under duress. Of these, about 4.5 million people (22%) are victims of sexual exploitation.

  Three times as many - 14.2 million people (68%) - are working under duress in agriculture, construction, mining, or domestic servants.

 Another 2.2 million slaves are prisoners forced to work by the prison administration.

"New data is output to our understanding of the dangers of forced labor and modern slavery to a new level. Forced labor is bad for business, to develop the economy and, more importantly, for the victims. New report strengthens our will to as soon as possible destroy this vicious by nature, but bringing huge profits practice," said ILO Director-General Guy Ryder.

According to ILO estimates, the greatest of the modern revenues belong to sex industry bigwigs. In the year they make from their victims about $ 99 billion, of which $ 31.7 billion is the Asia-Pacific Region (APR), another $ 26.2 billion is in developed countries, including EU member states.

"In terms per victim, the highest profit comes from sexual exploitation due to high demand for its services and how much customers are willing to pay for them , as well as lower costs. On each of the victims of the sex industry an average of $ 21.8 thousand per year is earned, making this sector at least six times more profitable than any other forms of forced labor," the report of the ILO says.

About $ 34 billion a year is brought by forced labor of people employed in construction, industry and mining. Approximately $ 9 billion is earned by the masters of slaves in agriculture, while another $ 8 billion is from domestic servants.

According to ILO estimates, women as modern-day slaves are more than men (55% vs. 45 %), and adults are more than children (74% vs. 26 %).

Most slaves - 11.7 million people (56% of total) - live in the Asia-Pacific region. In the second place is Africa. Working here not out of conscience, but for fear are 3.7 million people (18%). In Latin America and the Caribbean, modern slavery spread less - 1.8 million or 9 %. In developed countries and the EU slaves are slightly less than in Eastern Europe and the CIS - 1.5 million and 1.6 million respectively.

It is emphasized that 44% of modern-day slaves work in a foreign country, 9.1 million people - primarily sex workers - are taken to other regions or even countries.

Russia's neighbors in the ranking are Georgia and Azerbaijan, which took 50th and 51st place respectively. The first line is taken by Mauritania, where of the 3.8 million people in slavery are 150 thousand people. The second is Haiti and Pakistan closes the top three.

In absolute terms, the "lead" on modern slavery is kept by India, where victims of trafficking are more than 13 million people. Close to zero is the level of slavery in Great Britain, Ireland and Iceland. -02D-

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