"Borchali" society is ready to cooperate with the new government of Georgia

At a press conference today the "Borchali" Society that works to protect the rights of Georgian Azerbaijanis published its plans for its future.  The head of the society, Zalimkhan Mammadli,  said that the parliamentary elections last year in Georgia  have become a notable event in the life of  Georgian society and ethnic Azerbaijanis. He called the change of government a victory for democracy in Georgia. "By this step Saakashvili demonstrated that strengthening democracy is more important than power," said Mammadov.

For loyalty to the ideals and values ??of democracy Saakashvili  received an  award "A friend of democracy"  from the "Borchali"  society.  In the near future the award will be given to the Georgian president.

Speaking about the problems of Azerbaijanis, Mammadli noted continuing problems with land reform, education, and place names.  The "Borchali" Society intends to discuss this issues  with the new government of Georgia.

Before the  Novruz holiday, meetings  with the ministers of education, sports, the head of the Committee on Work with Diaspora are expected. Mammadov noted the importance of the integration of Georgian Azerbaijanis in Georgian society. The government should not be criticized for the fight for their rights; it  is necessary to learn the skills of political struggle, he said.

To perpetuate the memory of a native of Georgia,  prominent lawyer Isakhan Ashurov, it was  decided to hold a competition in his home village of Sambo.

The press conference also criticized Akram Aylisli's book "Stone Dreams", at the same time condemning the campaign of harassment of the writer.

"Borchali"  Society also condemned the  conviction of  youth activist of the party "Musavat" Nigar Yagublu, the arrest of her father Tofig Yagublu and  the arrest of Ilgar Mamedov.

An announcement was alsomade about the creation of the new website of the Borchali Society, borchali-ic.org.--05C06-- 


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