Салех Рустамов

Салех Рустамов

Baku / 03/01/19 / Turan: In the sentence on the case of illegal financing of PFPA, the court decided to confiscate the property of the relatives of the convicted former head of the Gadabay region, Saleh Rustamov.

The court decided to confiscate an apartment at 125 Zahid Khalilov Street, apt. 39, Baku,

- A non-residential area of ​​the brother of Rustamov"s wife, Rasmi Rustamova, Gadabay city, 7C,

A land plot of 0.5 hectares along the Gadabay-Novosaratovka highway,

A land plot with an area of ​​0.5 hectares with non-residential premises in the city of Gadabay, belonging to Rustamov"s brother Taleh Rustamov;

- A non-residential area of ​​70 square meters in Gadabay, on S. Vurgun Street, in a place called Kohne (Old) Bazaar,

A private house at 71 Nizami Street,

A plot of land in Gadabay, on G. Ahmedli Street, with an area of ​​0.6 hectares,

A land plot of 0.1 hectares in the name of Rustamov"s wife Ruhsara Rustamova in the Gumlu area of the Gadabay region,

- Farmland in the city of Gadabey, 0.2454 ha,

- Land plots of Rustamov"s sister Yegana Rustamova with an area of ​​0.1 hectares in the village of Novkhany, Absheron district and 0.08 hectares in the village of Gobu.

- A private house of Rustamov"s brother, Taleh Rustamov, 7 M. Guliyev Street,

An apartment in Baku, at 7 Zardabi Avenue, apt.13

- An Apartment in the Khatai district of Baku, Vung Tau Street, 11a, apt 22.

Rustamov"s relatives stated that the confiscated objects of property were not related to this criminal case, since they had been acquired long before Rustamov"s arrest.

The court even decided to confiscate the Rustamovs' parental house.

Representatives of the defense explained that confiscation may be subject to property used as an instrument of crime or a crime scene, or acquired by criminal means.

In this case, we are talking about property acquired before the Rustamov"s incriminated crimes.

The defense considers the sentence unjustified and intends to appeal it.

On February 27 the Baku Court of Grave Crimes read out the verdict of the accused in the case "On the illegal financing of the PFPA."

The court sentenced the former head of the Gadabay district executive authority, a citizen of the Russian Federation Saleh Rustamov to 7 years and 3 months in prison, a member of the Bord of the Popular Front Party of Azerbaijan (PFPA) Aghil Maharramov - to 4 years, and the head of the party"s Narimanov district department Babek Hasanov - to three years in prison.

Rustamov"s nephew Vidadi Rustamli and the head of the Majlis of the PFPA youth committee Ruslan Nasirov were sentenced to 6 years and 8 months of imprisonment with a three-year probation period. Both were released in the courtroom.

They were found guilty of illegal business and money laundering.

Rustamov and Rustamli are also accused of drug trafficking.

All the defendants deny the charges.

Human rights activists recognize them as political prisoners. -06d--

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