Açiq mənbələrdən foto.

Açiq mənbələrdən foto.

Baku/11.05.21/Turan: More than a month later, the Turan agency received responses to an information request sent to the press secretary of the Cabinet of Ministers, Ibrahim Mammadov. But not from him.

The answer came from the Agency for Compulsory Health Insurance (ACHI), and even then, 4 out of 5 questions were answered.

The fifth question was recommended to be addressed directly to AZAL: "5. AZAL requires testing of passengers traveling abroad and on its website lists clinics where they need to be tested, and many of these clinics are private. Is it normal for AZAL to independently appoint a clinic for PSR testing?»

Turan has already published the answers to the first three questions. To the 4th question, " Is there a list of laboratories and clinics accredited by the Operational Headquarters that conduct the PSR test?", the answer was as follows:

"A list of 47 laboratories operating for the purpose of testing COVID-19 tests is attached to the letter. For the records, we should note that to conduct a test for COVID-19, a citizen can apply to state medical institutions or private hospitals, where he is registered by the place of residence.

It should be noted that in public medical institutions free tests are provided only if there are signs of coronavirus infection. Otherwise, a citizen may apply to private hospitals on a paid basis.

At the same time, samples taken for analysis on COVID-19 in all public and private medical institutions are handed over only to those laboratories whose names are indicated in the list."

Name of laboratory 
Xüsusi Təhlükəli İnfeksiyalara Nəzarət Mərkəzi (XTİNM)
Sağlam Ailə
Talassemiya Mərkəzi
MNX laboratoriyası
Caspian Hospital
Respublika GEM
Memorial Hospital
DIN hospital
BonaDea İnt Hospital
Bakı İnci Laboratoriyaları
Bakı DTX Hospital
Bakı Sağlamlıq Mərkəzi
Leyla Medical Center
Resp. Qiçslə Müb. Mərkəzi
Müdafiə Nazirliyi Hərbi Hos
Mərkəzi Gömrük Hospitalı
Oksigen Klinikası
Bakı Klinikası
Respublika Klinik Xəstəxanası
Ege Hospital
Diaqnoz TM
Baki Yeni Klinika
Tusi Klinikası
Respublika Diaqnostika Mərkəzi
Modern Hospital
Naxçıvan Agciyər Xət. İns.
XTİNM Xaçmaz filialı
Sumqayıt TƏBİB
Cəlilabad TƏBİB
XTİNM Şəmkir filialı
XTİNM Lənkəran filialı
XTİNM İmişli filialı
Referans Aqstafa
Şamaxı RMX
Quba RMX
Şirvan RMX
Elmi Tədqiqat Ağciyər Xəstəlikləri İnstitutu
Mingəcevir ŞK

Turan Agency thanks the ACHI for establishing constructive cooperation within the framework established by the legislation, but can not say anything similar about the press service of the Cabinet of Ministers.

Mamedov never got in touch, although as far as we know he rushed the Ministry of Health and ACHI with an answer, thus delegating his duties and powers to them. In this case, the question arises: Does the government need such a press-secretary?


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