Earthquake in Gabala

Today at 09:59 in the north-west of the country, 200 km from Baku, there wa s  an earthquake, the  epicenter   14 km away to  the  north-east of the town of Gabala at the depth six km.

At the epicenter the magnitude of the quake was six points, in Gabala - five points. Tremors  with the force 3-4points  were felt in  most regions  of the country, according to the Republican Seismological Service Center.

Local  residents say there were no injuries or destructions. However, the epicenter of the aftershocks occurred in the mountain villages,  and there is no information  from  there.

An earthquake of similar capacity  was in the same region on 29 September, then some buildings in highland  villages were destroyed. —06D-

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