Hot weather will be on the territory of Azerbaijan. On July 2, in Baku and Absheron peninsula on July 2 in the afternoon northwester wind will change to the north, and will increase in the evening. Air temperature at night will be +20 +24 degrees, in the daytime +30 +35 degrees.
The water temperature on the Absheron beaches in Sumgait, Novkhani Pirshagi, Bilge will be + 24 +25 degrees, in Zagulba, Buzovna, Mardakan, Shuvelane +25 +26 degrees, in Turkan, Hovsan, Shikh, Sahil +26 +27 degrees, according to weather forecasters of the Ministry of Environment.
High temerature will be observed in the regions of the country in the low-lying areas, + 34 +39 degrees; in the mountainous regions +23 +28 degrees. —03D06-
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