The Political Prisoners Monitoring Center expressed concern at the violation of the rights of political prisoners. As the Center’s head Elshan Hasanov told Turan, the journalist Khadija Ismayilova is not allowed visits by a lawyer, let alone her mother.
The right to receive visits is also restricted for the leader of REAL Ilgar Mamedov and the human rights defender Intigam Aliyev.
This is a violation of Article 15.1.1 of the law on ensuring the rights and freedoms of detained people.
The journalist Seymour Hazy and Intigam Aliyev were kept illegally for a long time in the so-called "quarantine" and on this basis they were not allowed meetings with relatives or parcels with food from them.
Furthermore, all prisoners have problems with getting newspapers.
"At the same time, according to our observations, the prisoners on criminal charges are permitted visits and food parcels without any restrictions," said Hasanov.
Despite the lifting of the ban on entering and leaving the country for the leaders and activists of several NGOs, this restriction remains in force. This is a flagrant violation of Article 2 (Freedom of Movement) of the European Convention on Human Rights.
Most of those arrested in connection with the Nardaran events were subjected to torture and against them Article 3 (Prohibition of Torture) of the European Convention was violated.
"We appeal to the leadership of the Penitentiary Service to restore the rights of political prisoners and punish the perpetrators of violations of the law," concluded Hasanov.
Note that in the opinion of human rights organizations, there are about 90 political prisoners in Azerbaijan. -06B-
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