Leyla Yunus cell-mate sues her lawyer

Today Sabunchu District Court of Baku considered a lawsuit by Nuria Huseynova – cellmate of Leyla Yunus, filed against lawyer Alaif Hasanov. Taking into account  that the question does not apply to the territorial jurisdiction of the area, sent to Baku Yasamal District Court.

Hasanov himself was absent in the court. Hasanov unveiled facts of physical pressure by Huseynova on Yunus in the jail cell, where they are present together. One of his statements was published in the newspaper "Azadlig" September 17, 2014. Thereafter, Huseynov said that the lawyer called her "a criminal", calling it an insult.

Hasanov said that Huseynova was previously judged, and her current term in prison has not expired.  The lawyer believes that the authorities use Huseynova, to remove him from the protection of Yunus.  The lawyer pointed out that a copy of the article in "Azadlig" newspaper was attached to the suit. "It turns out that Huseynova is a regular reader of "Azadlig", and gets it even in jail, while lawyers bags are carefully checked , so that to prevent getting  the newspaper "Azadlig" to jail. -03B06-

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