Management authority of prosecutors to combat corruption expanded

The Milli Mejlis of Azerbaijan submitted draft amendments to the laws "On Prosecutor's Office" and "On the performance of duty in the prosecution."

The amendments are aimed at improving the status and authority of Directorate for Combating Corruption under the Prosecutor General.

According to the General Prosecutor Zakir Garalov , this  department,  in line with its status as a specialized body for combating corruption, will  have the power  of the Chief Directorate.  Its head at the same time will become chief deputy attorney general. In addition, the qualification  degrees  of the Deputy Chief of Chiefs and  heads of new offices will increase.

The  number of employees of the  chief department, including prosecutors, investigators, detectives and technicians, wil also increase.

All this, according to Garalov , will promote effective fighting  of the structure against corruption..—06D--


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