The visit by the First Vice-President Mehriban Aliyeva to Icheri-Sheher, discussion of the possibility of eliminating the limit on gas and electricity, the problems of farmers with agricultural insurance are the leading topics of today's media.
The "Azerbaijan" newspaper writes about the visit of the first vice-president Mehriban Aliyeva to Icheri Sheher 26 April. The visit was associated with the spread information about the demolition of part of the fortress wall. The Chairman of the State Administration of the Historical-Architectural Reserve Icheri Sheher, Asker Alekperov, assured Mehriban Aliyeva that no damage will be done to the fortress walls, it is just a reconstruction of cafes and restaurants located near the fortress wall along Malaya Fortress Street. The vice-president called Icheri Sheher "the heart of Baku", recalling that he is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. She also called a lie, slander and a blackening campaign that was widely used in social networks about the demolition of the fortress wall. At the same time, Aliyeva considered it necessary to provide the public in advance with full information about all the planned reconstruction works in Icheri Sheher.
The newspaper "Yeni Musavat" discusses with MP Vahid Ahmedov the question of lifting the limit on gas and electricity for consumers, which was repeatedly raised in Milli Majlis. Azerbaijan is a country exporting oil, gas and electricity, for this reason it is possible to make certain concessions to the population. According to the deputy, this can be done in the form of raising the limit, which will be a great support for low-income families.
The site "Oxu.az" discusses the draft law "On Agrarian Insurance" with a deputy Ali Masimli, who claims that farmers and farmers do not trust insurance structures. According to him, a working mechanism is needed that would provide a mechanism for the execution of the law. The insurance companies themselves do not really strive for insurance in the agrarian region, since the risks are great. The deputy also noted that the work of the law requires publicity and a serious control mechanism. -0-
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