Media Review for 09/28/2019

The impact of the Contract of the Century on the training of personnel in the energy sector, the growth in the number of divorces, and export opportunities in the non-oil sector are the topics of today's media.

The newspaper Azerbaijan publishes material on the role of local personnel in the implementation of the country's oil contracts. Compared with the period of 20-25 years ago, the share of local specialists in foreign oil companies operating in Azerbaijan has increased many times, reaching 90%.

Currently, 2,510 Azerbaijanis work for BP and they work not only in Azerbaijan, but also in projects in other countries. 358 of them hold leadership positions.

This company annually selects up to 40 new employees from among local students.

The site writes about the growth of divorces in the country and domestic violence.

In 2018, 14,857 divorces were recorded in the country; in 1932 cases, couples lived together for 20 or more years.

According to attorney Nagiyeva, a significant part of the divorce is related to adultery. Moreover, more and more often adultery is committed by women and this is the case in all age groups.

A lot of divorces are associated with publications, correspondence and photos on social networks. In this case, men are most often guilty. Although there are frequent cases where women are guilty, and courts in divorce cases give the children to their fathers.

According to Nagiyeva, women are more likely to abuse social networks and more often look for acquaintances aside through social networks.

Another problem for divorced spouses is the refusal of ex-husbands to pay child support.

The website writes about the possibilities of Azerbaijani exports to Russia. Expert Namig Shalbuzov notes that in 2018, Azerbaijan exported non-oil goods worth 1 billion 689 million. Of this amount, 619.2 million dollars fell to Russia, which is 12% more than the previous year.

However, the potential of the Russian market for goods from Azerbaijan is much greater. First of all, this applies to agricultural products: vegetables, fruits and fresh flowers, as well as canned products. The supply volumes of these types of products can reach up to $ 100 million per year, Shalbuzov said. -0-

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