Açiq mənbələrdən foto.

Açiq mənbələrdən foto.

Compliance with legal requirements, a look at the activities of the Customs Committee, the likelihood of a rise in the price of cars are the topics of today's media.

The Azerbaijan newspaper discusses the topic of compliance with the rule of law in the fight against the coronavirus pandemic. Currently, there are about 1,700 active patients in the country.

Despite the decision of the Headquarters of August 5 to ease the quarantine regime, mass events, including weddings, are not allowed. The author emphasizes that no official can use his status and violate the established rules.

The Yenisabah.az website is discussing with the expert the issue of abolishing the Customs Committee. This issue has been actualized after the recent tightening of customs regulations introduced on August 21.

There are problems in the general philosophy of customs. It should be beneficial for the state to have small business, and customs should not stifle it with its innovations. Experts propose to liquidate the Customs Committee and become a department of the Ministry of Economy.

The website Redaktor.az discusses the situation on the car market with experts. It is noted that the pandemic has affected the market for new and used cars. In the autumn and spring periods, the market becomes more active and prices rise. In the market, prices are never stable. Therefore, experts expect cars to rise in price in the fall. –0 ----


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