Açiq mənbələrdən foto.

Açiq mənbələrdən foto.

The transformation of the country into the center of a regional industrial revolution, the struggle of the government against coronavirus and the sending of the population of the capital to the districts in this regard, and the problems of residents of Pirshagi related to water and road are the topics of today's media.

Regional Center for the Industrial Revolution

The official newspaper Azerbaijan writes that the country is turning into a regional center of the industrial revolution. The author speaks about this on the basis of a videoconference between President Ilham Aliyev and Vice President of Microsoft Philip Rog. The videoconference stated that a state strategy for digital transformation is being developed in Azerbaijan, and there is great hope for good cooperation with Microsoft in this “This program is planned for the next 5 years, the head of state said. According to him, the preparation of a strategy on artificial intelligence, cyber security, from which no one is safe, is also on the agenda.

And what was that?

The website Yenisabah.az writes that quarantine does not defeat the virus, but only reduces the speed of its spread. Experts believe that quarantine is necessary to reduce the spread of the virus, gain time during which new modular hospitals, new intensive care units will be opened, and new respiratory devices, as well as disinfection equipment, will be brought into the country. The mitigation regime was introduced on May 18. Experts do not understand why it was necessary to soften the regime, and then to tighten it with a ban on leaving the house for three days.

Problems of residents of Pirshagi with water and road

The website Oxu.az writes about the problems of residents of Pirshagi with water and roads. Moreover, this problem has not been solved for 30 years. In the village, people buy water that cars bring and pay accordingly 10 times more than if they paid water provided by the state. In hard quarantine days, cars with water do not arrive, and people are left without water.

People need to be removed from Baku, chief infectionist believes

The website Azpolitika.info cites the opinion of the main infectious disease specialist Jalal Isayev in connection with the fight against the coronavirus pandemic. He believes that the situation may last until September. The number of people in the capital must be reduced. In Azerbaijan, Isayev said, the situation has reached its peak, the reason for which he sees in the softening of the quarantine regime. For this reason, in 9 cities and regions the quarantine regime is maintained, up to 300 people are infected daily, and no protective equipment is used. Isayev believes that crowding in Baku should be diluted and people need to travel to areas of the country.   -0-


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