Açiq mənbələrdən foto.

Açiq mənbələrdən foto.

Azerbaijan’s cooperation with the Asian Development Bank, the deception of doctors in Azerbaijan due to the pandemic, Azerbaijan’s losses due to COVID-19, and criticism of several government agencies by an MP are topics of today's media.

The official newspaper Azerbaijan has been writing about cooperation with the Asian Development Bank (ADB) since 1999, which covers various areas.

At a recent video conference between President Aliyev and ADB leadership, the bank representatives said they were ready to provide loans for a number of projects.

The total amount of these loans exceeds 3 billion US dollars. They are related to education, irrigation, and the railroad.

The website Bizimyolinfo.az writes about the dissatisfaction of doctors fighting with coronavirus. They claim that they were deceived because the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers to pay a temporary bonus to their salary for participating in the fight against the COVID-19 infection was never fulfilled.

This decision covers the period from March 1 to June 1. However, doctors at hospital No. 5 in Baku claim that they cannot receive these allowances. Health workers are given only 250 manat.

Doctors say they worked 12 hours a day, risking their own lives and the health and lives of their loved ones, and they were paid only 250 manat in three months. In fact, doctors were deceived.

Müsavat.com writes about coronavirus damage. Worldwide, losses are forecasted in the range of 5-7 trillion dollars. Azerbaijan has not yet disclosed figures of its damage.

The head of state on March 19 signed a decree on the allocation of 1 billion manat to eliminate the consequences of the harm done to the population. Experts believe that talking about the losses caused by the pandemic is possible only after the publication of official figures for May.


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