The activity of industrial quarters, the increase in the cost of barley and wheat, the expectations from the issue of bonds in manat are the topics of today's media.
The newspaper "Azerbaijan" writes that industrial districts contribute to the development of the regions. As a result of their activities, thousands of jobs are being opened, competitive products are being produced. The creation of industrial neighborhoods was determined by presidential decree of October 8, 2014 in order to develop medium and small businesses. In particular, the Neftchala industrial quarter began its activities in September 2017, about 50 million manat was invested in it, 11 enterprises operate in its territory. The construction of the Massali industrial quarter has been completed, infrastructure has been created, 10 projects worth 5.33 million manats have been implemented. The construction of the Hajikabul industrial quarter, where 7 projects were implemented, the primary cost of which amounted to 61.43 million manat, was also completed. It is planned to create over 900 jobs.
The site "Yeni Sabah.az" writes that the price of wheat will rise, andwill cause increase in price for bread. Last year at this time the cost of 1 kg of wheat was 23-25 gepik. Currently, the price is 38-39 gepik. One kilo last year was barley cost 25-27 gepik, now - 35-38 gepik. On July 9, 2019, 2 million 885 thousand tons of grain were harvested from the fields. From abroad this year 576,489 thousand tons of wheat were purchased, last year this figure was 538, 781 thousand tons.
Newspaper "YeniMusavat" published an article entitled "Trust of international financial structures to manat - what do bonds promise?" ).?"
On July 16 the Black Sea Trade and Development Bank (BSTDB) announced the issuance of bonds worth 10 million manat and by the end of the year this amount will be increased to 50 million manat Thus, for the first time, the international financial structure is issuing bonds in the national currency of manat, expert Rashad Hasanov notes.Bonds will be in circulation for 730 days. One thousand bonds each worth 1,000 manat with an annual yield of 9.25 percent will be issued. Interest will be paid every three months.Securities will be placed on the Baku Stock Exchange. The BSTDB conducts an emission in order to spend the proceeds to the development of entrepreneurship.However, according to the expert, the issue of 9.25 percent, while banks take deposits at 6-7 percent, may be associated with expectations of cheapening manat in the near future.Hasanov believes that the bank can convert the proceeds from the sale of bonds into foreign currency and store it. In the event of a change in the exchange rate of the BSTDB, gaining more manatwill pay interest on the bonds. -0-
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