Media Review November 25, 2019

A look at the country's gasification, the situation with national football, and discussion of the creation of municipalities in big cities are the topics of today's media.

The newspaper Azerbaijan writes that Azerbaijan is a leader in terms of gasification, since it is 96%. Moreover, even remote mountain villages are gasified. The number of natural gas consumers in the country is 2 million 275 thousand 156 people. In January-October, another 74 thousand 229 subscribers were registered. For 10 months of this year, 1,559.8 km of gas pipelines of various diameters were laid. 92 settlements should be gasified. In 66 of them, the work is completed.

The website writes about the situation with national football, calling it deplorable. The national team of Azerbaijan out of 8 games scored only 1 point; such a result took place 24 years ago - in 1995.

The football community blames head coach Nikolai Yurchevich and the AFFA leadership for the failures. Instead of holding a national championship, AFFA holds a Baku championship. The remaining cities of the country are left without football.

In 2005, a decree was signed on the development of football, and there were even some successes, but after a while the situation changed dramatically. Observers believe that a change in the leadership of the federation will not change anything. Large cash injections are needed, and for this, independent entrepreneurs are required.

The website writes about the municipalities, their role and the municipal elections scheduled for December 23. The author claims that in order to conduct effective municipal elections, it is necessary to expand their powers and create a large city municipality. Unfortunately, all the powers are at the executive authorities, and the status and powers of municipalities are limited. There are those who believe that expanding the powers of municipalities is wrong.


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