More than 2,000 women called the "Women's Hotline" with a request for help

The hotline established at Azercell initiative, discloses the report for the first six months of its operation

The "Women's Hotline", founded in June last year at the initiative of Azercell, has been providing 24/7 support to girls and women in difficult situations or facing violence. According to the report, more than 50% of the calls to the helpline concerned domestic problems, psychological and physical domestic abuse. The calls were also made with requests for legal and social counselling for problems with divorce, alimony, welfare, healthcare rights and asylum.

The "Women's Hotline" was established with the endorsement from the State Committee for Family, Women and Child Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan and is operated by the "Reliable Future" Social Initiatives Public Union.

Licensed psychologists, social workers and lawyers working for the "Reliable Future" provide psychological and legal counselling and refer the callers to government agencies, community-based legal clinics, rehabilitation centers, shelters, and NGOs. According to the statistics, most women calling the hotline were provided with psychological counselling, 23% given legal aid, 19% referred to relevant institutions, and 6% were admitted to shelters. 

The hotline pays utmost attention to the confidentiality of the calls, and any information is conveyed to the relevant organizations or institutions only with the caller's consent.

The "Women's Hotline" calls on all girls and women in need of support to contact the center via the short number 116111! ®

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