"Musavat" may reconsider its participation in the parliamentary elections

From more than 70 candidates, nominated by the party "Musavat" only 12 have been registered. Another 12-Musavat and other respected members were denied registration, said at today's press-conference head of the party "Musavat" Arif Hajili. On other districts, "Musavat" is awaiting the results of the registration process of its candidates. According to him, until now, no woman-oppositionist was registered as a candidate. Hajili noted, that during the collection of signatures activists of "Musavat" party and supporters faced serious  pressure.

"For the first time the pressure  was put not only on the signature collectors, but also on the citizens who gave their signatures in favor of the opposition. During the collection of signatures  our activists were detained, kidnapped, " said Hajili. The pre-election atmosphere, current legislation does not allow for democratic elections. "In a country like no choice. None of the eight national TV channels do not organize programs on elections. There are no programs  even in favor of the ruling party. All election commissions are under the control of the authorities, there are no independent media, freedom of assembly is not provided, " said Hajili.

Participation of "Musavat" in such a situation in the elections is a  proof of  the existence of the opposition, and its resistance. At the same time, "Musavat" will consider its participation in the elections. It will be decided on October 10 at a meeting of the party, he said, and added that "Musavat" will discuss the further participation in the elections with the Movements NIDA and REAL.

 "The main observation mission at the elections is the OSCE ODIHR. We urge the government to allow them to the elections as a whole. On the European  Games  the authorities took over the costs of thousands of foreigners, including the payment of their taxi. But now the authorities do not take 380 OSCE observers, the cost of which pays this organization itself," said Hajili.

Speaking about internal party problems, Hajili said that "the attempts to split the party failed, and 14 members were excluded  for violation of the Charter." About 100 Musavatists for one reason or another left "Musavat". At the same time, after the congress,  new people came to the party, said Hajili. -03C-

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