Public organization for the rights of sexual minorities Nefes will study the legal violations against sexual minorities.
Improvement of existing laws on LGBT and creation of conditions for these laws to work is the main focus of the organization.
Despite the declaration that Azerbaijan is a legal and secular state, employers, learning about the unusual sexual orientation of their employees, fire them. In this case, as grounds for dismissal they state quite other reasons, according to the press release of Nefes.
In order to clarify the attitude of entrepreneurs and legal entities to the problem, they plan a survey.
The survey provides for 1,000 respondents on various criteria (age, sex, education).
The purpose of the survey is to determine the nature of the relationship between an employer and an employee (in this case, representatives of sexual minorities). Statistical data obtained will be a prerequisite for the development of further study, according to the press release from Nefes.
Recall that this social entity was created at the end of last year. The names of the organizers and the location are not disclosed. The organization arranges communication by e-mail and social networks. -02D-
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