New Think Tank Created

Baku / 31.05.19 / Turan: A group of well-known experts of Azerbaijan announced the creation of a new structure - the Center for Republican Studies. The structure intends to become a brain center exploring republican ideas, a republican form of government, and also political, legal, economic, social, cultural and historical aspects of republicanism.

Being an independent association, the Center aims to develop new legislative initiatives, submit evaluation documents on topical issues, and conduct legal, social and economic expertise of existing laws.

The center is ready to cooperate with all political and public organizations of the country. Its founders are the economist Natig Jafarli and the lawyer Vafa Rustam.

The Board includes the law researcher Erkin Gadirli, the lawyers Shahla Humbatova and Javad Javadov, the philosopher Rahman Badalov, and the political scientist Rashad Shirinov.

The Board was appointed for a period of two years. Natig Jafarli became Director of the Center. -06D-

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