Officials of Ganja hospital brought to criminal responsibility

Officials of Ganja hospital brought to criminal responsibility

The anti-corruption department of the General Prosecutor's Office initiated a criminal case against Vidadi Huseynov, Makhabbat Abdullayev and other employees of Ganja city hospital.

The press service of the General Prosecutor's Office reports that Vidadi Huseynov, in collusion with Makhabbat Abdullayev and others, embezzled funds from the salary cards of employees who were registered but did not go to work. In 2021-2024, 364.000 manats were embezzled in this way.

Note that Makhabbat Abdullaev and Vidadi Huseynov were prosecuted under Articles 179.3.2 (embezzlement on a large scale), 308.2 (abuse of official powers) and 313 (official forgery) of the Criminal Code.

Mahabbat Abdullayev and Vidadi Huseynov were placed under house arrest.

The Prosecutor's Office appealed this decision and demands arrests for these persons.

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