On December 31, the air in Baku will warm up to +16°

On December 31, the air in Baku will warm up to +16°

Baku/30.12.23/Turan: On the last day of the year, December 31, partly cloudy, sometimes cloudy, mostly without precipitation is expected in Baku and on the Absheron Peninsula. The south wind will change to a northwesterly one in the evening. The air temperature at night will be +5 +8°, during the day +11 +16°, according to the National Hydrometeorological Service.

No precipitation   is expected in the regions of Azerbaijan on December 31. Fog is expected at times in some areas, and a moderate westerly wind will blow. The air temperature at night will be from -2° +3°, during the day +10 +15°. In the mountains, 0-5° is expected at night, 0 +5° in the afternoon.

According to the international meteorological services, no significant changes in weather conditions are expected in Baku in the first week of January. –06B-

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