Açiq mənbələrdən foto.

Açiq mənbələrdən foto.

Baku/19.04.22/Turan: Today, Elhan Aliyev, an activist of the Popular Front Party, was released  after he  signed an obligation to pay a debt of 8,500 manats in the Tovuz District Court.  Aliyev was detained yesterday in Baku after he was released after serving a 30-day administrative arrest. The activist was taken to the Tovuz region, where he again appeared before the court.

Aliyev said he was sued in a civil case based on a complaint from a private company that sells cement. The court ordered him to pay the company 8,500 manats of debt for the purchased cement. However, Aliyev said that he had already paid 5,800 manats earlier to a bailiff named Orhan. However, he did not hand over the money to the victim. The bailiff was later arrested for fraud. Aliyev said that he did not agree with the decision of the court and intended to file an appeal. -06B-


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