Prezidentin keçmiş mühafizəçisi Ceyhun Həsənzadə Cabbar oğlu iyunun 1-də Bakıda Prezident Administrasiyasının binası qarşısında etiraz aksiyası keçirib.

Prezidentin keçmiş mühafizəçisi Ceyhun Həsənzadə Cabbar oğlu iyunun 1-də Bakıda Prezident Administrasiyasının binası qarşısında etiraz aksiyası keçirib.

Baku/02.056.23/Turan: Jeyhun Hasanzadeh Jabbar oglu, a former security guard of the President, held a protest in front of the Presidential Administration building in Baku on 1 June.  He refused to leave the place, telling police he knew his rights and could film himself in that part of the city.

According to Hasanzadeh, he served as a captain in the "Beta" detachment of the Presidential Security Service. He was dismissed three years ago by order of the head of the Presidential Security Service, General Vahid Akhundov, for health reasons. He has a second disability group.

"After my demands, I got the second disability group.  But with the appointment of Sahil Babayev as Minister of Labour and Social Security, no disability pension has been paid. Despite the court's decision to partially satisfy my claim for disability pension, payments are not made. If I am healthy, then I demand to return me to service".

Hasanzadeh is a graduate of Baku Engineering and Construction University, appointed to security service immediately after graduation, he did not work by profession. He has become unemployed at the age of 50 with no means of livelihood. He says he cannot feed his three sons and grandson. No energy to work as a laborer. He demands to be returned to public service. As a remander, he says that his father was one of the leaders of the "Yeni Azerbaijan" party.

The video ends with a warning to Hasanzadeh about the possibility of his imminent detention. After these words Hasanzadeh demonstratively lies down on the lawn, next to the Presidential Administration.

In 2021, D. Hasanzadeh appealed to the head of the Presidential guard Bailyar Eyubov to receive and listen to him.

The Interior Ministry's press service told Turan it had no information about Jeyhun Hasanzadeh's detention for the action outside the Presidential Administration.-0-

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