Press Review 06/10/15

Official newspapers write about Ilham Aliyev visiting the complex international school SABIS Sun and Golf Club in the framework of the Dreamland project.

Azadlyg writes that from the Minister of Transport Ziya Mammadov it is required to repay a loan of 500 million manats taken from the International Bank of Azerbaijan.

The newspaper writes that officials fear the demolition of their houses, trying to bring them to the list of material and cultural values ​​of UNESCO.

The convicted leader of the movement REAL Ilgar Mamedov more than a month has not been allowed telephone conversations with his family. He is required to write a petition for pardon.

Residents of a high-rise building in the Binagadi district, affected by a fire in May of this year, held a protest in connection with the poor-quality repairs.

Express writes about the closure by the National TV and Radio Council of several programs and shows on the TV channel ANS.

Echo writes that the number of low-quality drugs increased in the market after the introduction of restrictions on the prices of medicines.

Bizim Yol writes about Azerbaijan and Turkey signing an agreement for the supply of military helicopters in the amount of three billion USD.

Experts attribute the loss of 270 million USD by the National Bank in September of this year to the outflow of capital from the country.

Yeni Musavat writes that Azerenergy will be privatized.

The newspaper has suddenly become a defender of the TV channel ANS and has published a long article with the views of public figures on the high quality of TV programs made by Hoshgadam Hidayatgyzy.  –0--

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