Discussion of the issue of human rights defenders and the situation with non-oil exports are the leading topics of today's press.
The newspaper Azerbaijan quotes the comment of MP Rafael Huseynov, who criticizes the PACE resolution on the protection of human rights defenders.
Huseynov speaks about human rights defenders who act for their own purposes and even carry out illegal activities. In particular, he speaks of those who have emigrated abroad and spread disinformation from there for the purpose of destabilization.
The Azadliq.info website writes that official Baku calls itself a developed country mastering space, but at the same time it cannot ensure the safety of cotton growers, who daily get poisoned on cotton plantations.
The author cites data on repressions reigning in the country and the inability of the authorities to organize work in the agrarian sector.
The Yeni Musavat newspaper writes that Azerbaijan depends on Russia in its agrarian export. The representative of the World Bank, Julian Lampettini, believes that new sales markets should be sought, and Azerbaijan should not depend on Russia at 77%. The products of Azerbaijan should be sent to the countries of the Persian Gulf, Asia and Europe.
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