Successes of the shopping festival, the benefit and harm from rising oil prices, and the complexity of the agrarian sector are the leading topics of today's press
The newspaper Azerbaijan writes about the shopping festival, which has been held in Baku for more than two weeks, which involves more than 800 shops, whereas at the festival in 2017 665 shops were involved.
As you know, a similar festival took place in the autumn of last year. The author describes some details of the festival, which will last until May 31. The festival aims to increase turnover and give impetus to tourism.
The newspaper Novoye Vremya writes about the complexities of the agrarian sector. Despite the fact that agriculture has been named a priority sphere of the non-oil sector of the economy for almost a decade, success here remains more than modest. The growth of agricultural exports does not mean that the agrarian sector has reached a new level. It is too early to talk about the competitiveness of Azerbaijani products.
The website Musavat.com writes about oil prices and the inadmissibility of the return of a policy based on oil prices. The economist Gubad Ibadoglu shares his thoughts with the reader on all these issues.
With reference to the head of LUKoil Vaghid Alekperov, the economist reports a further rise in the price of oil, which could have deleterious consequences.
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