Sabirabad resident dies of foot and mouth disease

Baku/14.08.19/Turan: A case of human death from foot and mouth disease was recorded in Sabirabad, local residents said. In particular, the local resident Tofig Farajev died. In addition, several butchers were delivered to Baku hospitals. One of them was cured and was discharged.

According to the same sources, several butchers were called to the police, and gave testimonies. Locals claim that despite the spread of the disease, no preventive measures are being taken.

The Ministry of Health confirmed the death of a 60-year-old man in Sabirabad on July 29.

"At the end of July, two people were admitted to the infectious ward of the Sabirabad central district hospital with high temperature. At first, doctors suggested that a cold was the cause of the fever.

After taking the tests, the Imishli district anti-plague station found that they had contracted foot-and-mouth disease. On July 25, seriously ill patients were taken to the Baku Clinical Center. July 29, one of them died. The treatment of another is ongoing," the Ministry of Health said. The Sabirabad district hospital declined to comment.

Medical expert Agil Geybulla noted foot and mouth disease (another name is anthrax) is a dangerous infectious disease transmitted from animals. The disease spreads very quickly and causes intoxication of all internal organs, which can cause death. According to the physician, if a person is diagnosed with a disease, he must be placed in a hospital. The patient needs to be treated with antibiotics, and his place of residence is subjected to disinfection. There is a vaccine against foot and mouth disease. "It was invented in France, during the times of the USSR, and is now produced in Russia. I can"t say if this vaccine is in Azerbaijan now," Geybulla said. Foot and mouth disease was detected in Azerbaijan in 2014 in 10 people, in 2015 - in nine, in 2016 - in 10, in 2017 - in six, in 2018 - in nine, in 2019 - seven. - 21B--

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