Baku Serious Crimes chaired by Novruz Karimov on Thursday held a regular meeting in the case of the newspaper "Bizim Yol" Parviz Hashimli and Tavakul Gurbanov. Hashimli was arrested by the employees of the Ministry of National Security (MNS) on September 17, 2013. He is charged under Articles 206.3.2 (smuggling of persons by prior agreement ) and 228.2.1 ( illegal arms trade persons by prior agreement,) and 228.2.2 (the same crime is repeated. ).
According to the investigation, Hashimli and Gurbanov bought by prior agreement weapons smuggled from Iran, and planned to sell it. Hashimli states that a provocation was made against him and Gurbanov is its participants.
At the meeting on 13 March a lawyer Bahruz Bayramov requested a fingerprint examination of banknotes seized in Gurbanov’s car.
He called absurd transferrence of money by Hashimli to Gurbanov, and examination will reveal absence of fingerprints of the accused on it. He called on to check the origin of the seized guns.
"There is a serious control over arms. Using license plates, we must turn to the producing country. According to the indictment, weapons are supplied from Iran, and the producer is Russia. The manufacturer shall provide the information where an order was received, and when the gun was transported to Iran," said the lawyer. However, such examination has not been made, said the lawyer Bayramov.
Hashimli himself drew attention to the testimony of Qurbanov’s son at preliminary investigation. He said that he had no problems in high school. It does not fit with the statements of Gurbanov, that Hashimli helped him to solve the problem of retaking the exam. Just under this pretext Gurbanov persistently looked for a meeting with Hashimli.
Gurbanov asked why Hashimli being a member of PPFA, was associated with state officials - Javid Gurbanov ( MP, head of the company "Azeryolservis), Ali Nagievym (former Deputy National Security Ministry , the deputy head of Department for Combating Corruption under the President.)
Hashimli it said that for a long time he was a parliamentary correspondent of the newspaper "Bizim Yol."
"I did not have any relations with Nagiyev. I have never seen him. But I knew Veli Nagiyev, brother of Ali Nagiyev. I had sources at the level of deputies, deputy ministers, officials, and employees of the MNS," said Hashimli. At the same time, he said that MNS-controlled media in advance announced his arrest and wrote about his "relationship" with Javid Gurbnov. According Hashimli, it is one of the methods of work of the MNS, and it is done to put pressure on certain groups in the leadership of the country.
The judge interrupted Hashimli , saying that he did not say the truth. According to the judge, the MNS does not use such methods. Then a witness Zaur Abdullayev was brought, and he was drunk.
Hashimli drew the judge's attention to the fact that the witness was drunk. In response, the judge said that there are permissible levels of alcohol intake, and the witness was sane
The witness said that he was involved by accident and became a witness of the seizure from Gurbanov’s car $2,800 and images of antiques.
"The images were photocopied black and white," the witness said , noting he did not see exactly what was shown there.
Another witness Osman Rasimov was a witness during the search of the house Hashimli. Rasimov said that MNS officers entered through the door, and not broke a window.
The witness could not remember where they found a gun and grenades, and what they were wrapped in.
People presenting in the room began to curse a witness, and one woman called him and Ilham Aliyev terrorists. Then the judge demanded to take her away from the hall, and began to interrogate third witness. The next hearing was scheduled for March 18. -03C06-
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