On Tuesday the head of the Caucasus Muslims Office ( CMO) sheyhulislam Allahshukur Pashazade held an event because of the participation of Azerbaijani citizens in hostilities in Syria.
He stressed that after the collapse of the USSR various Islamic religious movements in the country faced the problem of dividing the faithful to Shiites and Sunnis and other groups – Salafi, Khawarij , Nur , tekfirists. Representatives of these trends are not limited to the participation in rituals, they contemptuously refer to the representatives of the traditional religion , which leads to conflicts and even armed incidents. Sheikh recalled the attack in a mosque "Abu Bakr" in summer 2008 , the events in Sumgait in late 2013. According to him, such people should be punished according to law. Sheikh also spoke about the funding the scheme of Salafis. He mentioned some foreign countries, which deliver goods to Azerbaijan , and said that Salafitsare engaged in selling. Earnings are spent on growing ranks of the Salafis in Azerbaijan.
Azerbaijanis are sent to Syria to participate in hostilities , under the pretext of jihad and becoming a martyr to get into paradise. Pashazade believes that religious leaders in their sermons must uncover the true concept of "Shehid" and explain the believers the meaning of this word. Sheikh called ridiculous promises of paradise. This question is in the competence of a single God. Without saying names, Pashazade said that the sons of some senior officials also belong to non traditional Islamic movements.
"These people want to create in Azerbaijan emirate ," said Pashazade .
The academician Vasim Mammadaliyev that in Syria is a war between the government and opposition, and their war does not have relation to Islam. Killed in these battles can not be martyrs , this is impossible. According to him , those who are fighting in this war are people who have no idea of religion.
Mufti Salman Musayev believes that the media is guilty of that Salafists have reached such a level. Press promotes itself by materials on Wahhabis. But Salman Musayev does not "seen" inactivity of structures which allowed that Wahhabism has such deep roots in Azerbaijan. -05C04-
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