Mehdi İbrahimov

Mehdi İbrahimov

Baku/10.02.21/Turan: Today the Khatai District Court passed verdict against Mehdi Ibrahimov,   the son of a member of the Presidium of the Popular Front Party of Azerbaijan (PFPA) Mammad Ibrahim. 

The court found him guilty under the Article 139-1.1 of the Criminal Code (Violation of the anti-epidemiological, sanitary-hygienic or quarantine regimes) and sentenced him to a year and six months of probation.

Mehdi Ibrahimov does not agree with the verdict and intends to appeal against it.

The materials of the criminal case claim that Mehdi Ibrahimov was detained on July 20, 2021 at about 21:00 because of the violation of the rules of the quarantine regime. He was taken to the police station and a test study revealed that he had COVID-19.

According to Mehdi Ibrahimov, he was detained on the night of July 15, when he was returning from a demonstration in support of the army. A day later, the police learned that he was the son of Mammad Ibrahim, and the young man was not released. After 4 days, he was charged with a criminal offense and taken into custody. Only on August 19, the measure of restraint was changed to house arrest.

Following Mehdi Ibrahimov, his father, Mammad Ibrahim, was arrested, who was involved in a criminal case in connection with the rally in support of the army on July 14-15.

On November 17, Mammad Ibrahim was released from custody, but the trial on this criminal case has not yet begun. –05B06-


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