Thale Khasmamedov placed to the hospital of the Penitentiary Service

An  imprisoned human rights defender Tale Hasmamedov  was released from the punishment cell, and was  placed  to the hospital of the Penitentiary Service, according to the Public Alliance "Azerbaijan without political prisoners." In early February Hasmamedov’s wife told about  serious health problems of  her husband, and the refusal of the prison administration to hospitalize him. On February 12th  Tale was placed to the  punishment cell for 15 days, accusing  of  quarrel with a  cellmate. However Hasmamedov’s relatives believe that he was punished because he complained about the refusal of the administration to treat him.

Last week, the Committee to Protect Civil Society appealed to the leadership of the Penitentiary Service of the parole of  Hasmamedov, and transferring  him to a hospital. Hasmamedov suffers strong disorder of the nervous system, rheumatism,  convulsions and other diseases. Before his arrest he was examined twice abroad, and was  recommended a surgery.

Hasmamedov  is known for exposing corruption and violations  by the executive powers of Goychay-Ujar region.  They several times threatened  him, and demanded to stop  publication. In 2015, he was charged with disorderly conduct, and  was sentenced to  three years. -03D-

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