Sevinj Sadigova, a spouse of the arrested founder and editor of the Azel TV news site Afgan Sadigov held a protest rally in front of the General Directorate for Combating Corruption under the Attorney General.
Baku/29.06.20/Turan: Sevinj Sadigova, a spouse of the arrested founder and editor of the Azel TV news site Afgan Sadigov held a protest rally in front of the General Directorate for Combating Corruption under the Attorney General. She demanded the release of her husband, who is accused of extortion through threats. S. Sadigova wrote on the sidewalk in front of the building of the prosecutor’s office the slogans: “Stop injustice!”, “Do not enslave, - release!” S. Sadigova believes that the investigation is not fair and her husband was arrested for critical publications.
“As my husband was arrested by order, let them release him.” Release my husband from captivity. How is it that my husband is accused of corruption, while I am his wife, I cannot find the money to go to him. Let them see what conditions we live in. I cannot now feed my two young children; let them see the life of officials who ordered the arrest of my husband. Let them see who is corrupt,” S.Sadigova said.
As evidence of the falsification of the criminal case, she pointed to the fact that Sakit Muradov, who was accused together with her husband, was left free. “The investigator tells me that the reasons for keeping Muradov free are a secret of the investigation. What is this secret of the investigation? Let me answer,” said Sadigova. After the action S. Sadigova was received by the deputy head of the Main Directorate for Combating Corruption under the Prosecutor General Anar Mammadov. “I brought to his attention that a plan had been drawn up in advance for the arrest of Afghan. Some individuals refused to participate in this scenario. However, Sakit Muradov agreed. My husband did not take any bribes ... Otherwise, now we would not be left without money to buy bread. Afghan and I , as journalists, defended the rights of many citizens. We have nothing to lose. I demand the release of Afghan and I will go to the end until it is released. Anar Mammadov said that he needs two weeks. He promised during this period, along with an Afghan lawyer, to conduct an objective investigation and make a fair decision,” S. Sadigova told Turan.
On 19 June S. Sadigova held a protest rally in front of the said department of the prosecutor's office. Then she was also received at the department. However, according to S. Sadigova, no changes in the case have occurred. She pointed out that after her husband’s arrest she was not given any meetings or telephone conversations with him. Sadigov was detained on May 13, and the Binagadi court arrested him for 4 months on charges of extortion by threats.
According to the investigation, Sadigov was detained together with the editor of the publication Xəbərfakt.az Sakit Muradov red-handed while receiving a bribe of 10 thousand manats.
Afghan Sadigov is known for his scandalous publications about involving a minor in police prostitution, about the involvement of religious leaders in the drug mafia, about corruption in the executive branch of the city of Sumgait, etc. He was previously convicted of criticizing officials of the Jalilabad region.- 03B06-
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