Shirvan Court of Appeal rejected today the appeal of the convicted activist of the Popular Front Party Murad Adilov. According to the lawyer Yalcin Imanov, previously the Court of Appeal refused to carry out a partial judicial investigation. The lawyer and Adilov stated at the trial insolvency and lack of evidence of his guilt. Defense intends to file an appeal to the Supreme Court.
* Murad Adilov was convicted in May of this year for 6 years on charges of drug trafficking. He is the brother of an opposition journalist, a conductor of the television program "Azerbaijani hour" Natig Adilov who being in exile.
** In early 2015 the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) accepted a complaint of torture of Murad Adilova. According to the lawyer Yalcin Imanov, the complaint states a violation of Article 3 of the European Convention for Human Rights and Freedoms (prohibition of torture.)
After the detention on 11 August, 2014 Adilov was beaten in Sabirabad police for an hour , and was made to write a confession. Despite complaints of protection, prosecutors refused to file a lawsuit on the fact, and the courts of Azerbaijan rejected the complaint on the decision of the prosecutor's office.
In this regard, the defense filed to the ECHR, which accepted the application of Adilov on violation of his rights under the Article 5 (right to liberty and security.)- 06D—
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