The investigation in the case of the death of reporter ANN.TV, journalist Rasim Aliyev is over, reported social group in the case of murdered journalist referring to the lawyer of the injured party Asabali Mustafayev. The lawyer said that on 8 December, together with the parents of the deceased journalist was at the Prosecutor's Office of Baku city, "With our participation was announced the completion of the investigative work. Then the report was drawn up about it."
Mustafayev said that after this the materials of the case will be studied : "According to the law, first lawyers of the defendants should familiarize with materials. Then turn comes to us. Probably at the end of next week we will be provided with materials of the case. "
According to the lawyer, there are some positives in the examination of the case: "We are tracking the process to the end, in the end be able to express our opinions, claims, at the same time, will be able to know what petitions the defendant side presented to the investigation, and we are ready for it. "
The lawyer said that after reviewing the materials of the case will be submitted to the new application; and said that on December 7 was also filed a new application: "This application relates to a confrontation between doctors providing care to Rasim Aliyev and parents. We believe that in the statements of the doctors in the press there are contradictions with what Rasim told his parents. Yesterday we were told that the petition was not satisfied. As a ground it was noted that there is nothing in this application that could affect the outcome of the case. I should add that we do not know what evidence the doctors gave the investigators." Asabali Mustafayev suggests that the materials of the criminal case will be transferred to the court in late January, early February.
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