Рафик Таги
Baku / 05.08.17 / Turan: The writer-publicist Rafik Tagi would be 67 years old , if not his death in mysterious circumstances at the Semashko hospital in 2011. He survived after seven knife hits inflicted on him by an unknown person on the street, survived after a complicated operation, went on the mend, even gave an interview in which he stated about the "Iranian version" of the assassination attempt. And suddenly the news spread - Rafig Taghi passed away. According to the official version, he suddenly became ill, vomiting began. In the original conclusion, the cause of death was poisoning. However, this conclusion was quickly replaced by others. People who attacked Tagi were not found. As always in such cases, officials made loud statements, promising to punish the perpetrators. Words and limited, the case hanging.
Security cameras located not far from the site of the attack according to the investigation did not work, but an independent group of journalists and human rights activists found a record from the security camera of the store that captured the attacker and provided a record to the investigation. But it did not help either. For some reason, the investigating authorities did not "find" the criminal, although thanks to the same cameras installed around the Mehsul Stadium, where opposition rallies are held, the valiant bodies find and call for activists to proactively talk.
It is also strange that Taghi died immediately after he voiced a possible version of the assassination attempt. He certainly based his suspicions on threats after his article "Europe and We" and thought that it was the work of religious fanatics. But Tagu had other articles, no less critical, where he did not write about religion.
Often at the birthday of journalists and public figures, we talk about death - the situation and the time obliges. Often, to celebrate the birthday of journalists, we come to the cemetery, to their graves. Today, the public fogures paid tribute to Rafik Tagi's memory at his grave. Rafik Tagi was not only a writer, but also a journalist. He was the bearer of a free word. As his brother Ilgar Tagi stated today, he did not belong to any political movement and did not obey the regime: "Rafik wrote very sharply and his articles often reflect what is happening now. We plan to publish in the form of a book of his essay and article. After reading them, you will see that Rafik wanted to warn us and what he wrote then is reflected in the current events. His death was not accidental. He just did not suit the dark forces, and he was killed. But Rafik did not die, he continues to live. "
Samira Agayeva, deputy leader of the D18 Movement, also noted that Tagi's death was not an accident and paralleled the deaths of two journalists: "I always draw a parallel between the death of Rafik Tagi and Rasim Aliyev. Both were treated in one hospital, both interviewed after the incident and both suddenly died with the same symptoms. I think that in their death it is necessary to search for the authorities' trace. "
The Head of the D18 Movement, Ruslan Izzetli, said that in any case, the authorities are responsible for the murder of journalists and public figures: "The name of Rafik Tagi may not be well known to the general public, just as the names of Mikayil Mushvig and Ahmed Javad were unknown at the time. However, the time will come and written by him will be written in gold letters in folk art. The murder of Rafik Tagi remained unsolved, as well as the murder of Elmar Huseynov, Rasim Aliyev, because the regime of Ilham Aliyevis in power. But the time will come and all details of these crimes will become known to the public. The authorities are directly or indirectly to blame for their death, because after so many years the murderers are not punished, and the murders remain closed. "
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