Sahil Babayev
The state has enough reserves to increase the social protection of war veterans and families of martyrs
Baku/23.07.22/Turan: Since the fall of 2021, pickets of war veterans and invalids, members of martyr families have been held in front of government officials. The protesters were supported by the public expressing their opinion on social networks and some media. The apotheosis of the protests can be considered the suicide of World War II veteran Elvin Jafarov in Sabirabad this month, which became the 36th such tragic case since 2020. The deceased claimed that due to poverty he could not support his family.
This is not officially stated, but the result of the all-Azerbaijani protest was yesterday's news that at a meeting of the collegium at the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Population, an intention was announced to expand measures of social support for families of martyrs of the Patriotic War and participants in the war.
Minister of Labor and Social Protection of the Population Sahil Babayev listed the list of benefits provided to the specified categories of the population: free apartments, cars, treatment, prosthetics, employment, sanatorium services. In general, 193 thousand services were provided to more than 100 thousand people.
Perhaps, in terms of the number of apartments, cars and other services provided, Azerbaijan is "ahead of the rest." But much more important are lump-sum and monthly payments to veterans, war invalids and members of martyrs' families. According to this parameter, the citizens of Azerbaijan can envy their closest neighbors. Let's compare Azerbaijan with Russia and Armenia: in these countries, as in Azerbaijan, there lives a large number of people who have suffered in wars over the past decades.
First, let us inform you that the insurance compensation for the death of a serviceman in Azerbaijan is 11,000 manats (6,500 dollars). Insurance payments in the amount of 4.4 to 8.8 thousand manats are transferred to war invalids.
Monthly allowances, averaging 400 manats ($235) are paid to family members of those killed, depending on their length of service, as well as their pensions, which range from 210 to 300 manats ($123-176) per month.
Those disabled due to injuries receive compensation ranging from AZN 4,400 ($2,580) to AZN 8,800 ($5,170), depending on the severity of their disability.
In addition to cash payments, spouses and children of those killed or disabled during the war receive a number of other benefits. They are exempt from university tuition fees and receive tax benefits.
Social protection indicators in Azerbaijan lag far behind Russian payments. In Russia, the family of a person killed in Ukraine is given 7.4 million rubles ($120,000) each, as well as monthly compensation. The wounded are paid 3 million rubles each, or $52,000. In addition, an additional payment has been established for the families of the dead military and law enforcement officers in the amount of 5 million rubles ($86,361). Accordingly, wounded security officials receive less - a lump sum of 3 million rubles, and monthly compensation.
In Armenia, the families of fallen officers or officers who received a first-category disability receive 82 million drams (about $170,000), of which 10 million drams (about $20,000) is a one-time payment, and the rest for 20 years.
Families of dead ensigns or ensigns who received a disability of the first category will receive about $ 145,000, of which part is issued at a time, and the rest of the money is monthly with equal payments for 20 years.
The families of the deceased junior warrant officers or the junior warrant officers who received a first-degree disability and conscripts will receive about $ 120,000, of which a smaller part is also given - at a time, and the rest - monthly with equal payments for 20 years.
Disabled officers of the second category receive about $ 110,000: at a time and then for 20 years. Ensigns who received a disability of the second category receive about $ 85,000, according to the same structure. Junior warrant officers and conscripts who received a second category disability receive $60,000 divided by months for 20 years.
Why is it that in Azerbaijan, where they talk a lot and loudly about state care for the defenders of the fatherland and their families, this care in monetary terms is an order of magnitude lower than in "impoverished Armenia"? asks reader Nazim Azimov in a letter to Turan.
Perhaps the reason for the difference should be sought in the different structure of payments. In Armenia, the families of killed conscripts receive $250 for 20 years, while in Azerbaijan, the families of ordinary-ranking martyrs are provided with payments of at least $125, but for the entire life of the family members of the killed.
The cost of free cars and apartments issued to these categories of the population should be included in the total amount of state spending on the social care of the Azerbaijani state for the participants in the war and their families. According to Minister Sahil Babayev, the families of martyrs of the First and Second Karabakh wars were given more than 12,000 apartments. In 2021, 3,000 apartments were issued, this year 1,500. According to this indicator of social protection, Azerbaijan is ahead of Russia and Armenia.
Nevertheless, there is a reason for public dissatisfaction due to the fact that even if, in the end, the monetary expression of the care of the Azerbaijani state for the defenders of the fatherland is comparable to similar data for Armenia, this should not be. After all, Azerbaijan "supplies Europe with gas", and Armenia "buys gas from Russia". --0--
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