Baku/08.05.23/Turan: Two textbooks were published in Baku for the 100th anniversary of the Republic of Turkey (October 29, 1923) titled "Turkey in world politics" and "History of the Republic of Turkey". The books are prepared in line with the country's university curriculum of 2020, which introduced a new course on 'Ottoman history' for the specialty of teaching history and history and geography.
Author Sevinj Aliyeva told Turan that the Turks have taken a fateful part in the history of many nations. The history of the Turks shows that they constitute a single whole, with a unique centuries-old culture and worldview. "Despite of the changing borders of the state formations, identical cultural and outlook peculiarities of the peoples of the Turkic world are observed since the ancient times.
Note that since ancient times the Turks have established themselves as a powerful, numerous and strong steppe army. According to some sources the total number of the Turks in the world is over 180 million, according to other sources it is 300 million.
Recall that the Turkish Republic is based on Ataturk's policies and ideology, which are known as Ataturk's Six Arrows: 1) Revolutionism - a course towards Westernisation and the fight against the remnants of traditional society with an emphasis on progress and enlightenment (latinization, universal suffrage, etc.); 2) Republicanism - the proclamation of a democratic constitutional order as an opposition to the absolute monarchy of the Ottomans. 3) Ethnicity - the commonality of all citizens of the country on the basis of a common citizenship, a common language, a common territory, a common origin and common history and mentality; 4) Nationalism - the struggle against class inequality and privileges, unity of Turkish society and sovereignty of the people and the GNAT as its representative; 5) Laicism - the secularism, secular character of the state; 6) Etatism - the leading role of the state in economy, the historian noted.
Note that Turkey pursues its enterprising and humane foreign policy and, while continuing to defend its national interests, contributes to the maintenance of justice and peace in the Middle East and South Caucasus. At that, Turkey and Azerbaijan are implementing joint energy and transport projects. Ankara has consistently supported Baku's just position on all platforms, calling for an end to the occupation of Azerbaijani lands. Turkey provided political and moral support to Azerbaijan during the Second Karabakh War," Aliyeva added.
Authors of textbooks: Head of Department 'General History and History Teaching' of the Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University, doctor of historical sciences Sevinj Aliyeva ('History of Turkish Republic') and Sevinj Aliyeva together with teacher of the Department, doctor of philosophy in history Mehman Agayev ('History of Turkish Republic'). They published a textbook on "Ottoman History" in 2021. In 2021 they published the textbook "Ottoman History".-0-
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