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Baku/06.05.23/Turan: On Sunday, May 7, partly cloudy weather is expected in Baku and on the Absheron peninsula, sometimes cloudy, mostly without precipitation.
Precipitation is expected in some places on the peninsula at night. Moderate south wind will prevail. Air temperature at night will be +10 +15°, during the day +18 +23°, the National Hydrometeorology Service under the Ministry of Ecology of Azerbaijan reported.
Mostly no precipitation is expected in the regions of the country. In some places, short-term precipitation, thunderstorms and hail are possible. Fog is forecast in some places. East wind will prevail.
Air temperature at night will be +10 +15 °, during the day +21 +26°, in the mountains at night +3 +8 °, during the day +11 +16 °. -05B06-
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