On January 29, the weather in Baku will be variable, with no precipitation. There will be a moderate southeast wind. Night temperatures will range from +3 to +6°C, and during the day, it will be +8 to +13°C. Humidity will be 70-80%. No precipitation is expected across the country. There may be fog in some areas, and westerly wind.
In the lowlands, temperatures at night will range from -2 to +3°C, and during the day, it will be +7 to +12°C. In the mountains, temperatures will drop to -12°C at night, and during the day, it will range from -3 to +2°C.
On January 30, the weather in Baku will be cloudy, and light precipitation possible during the day on the Absheron Peninsula. The wind will be southeast. At night, the temperature will be +4 to +7°C, and during the day it will reach +8 to +12°C. Humidity will be 70-80%.
Azerbaijani authorities have detained former Russian judge Elena Khakhaleva at Baku International Airport, officials confirmed to Russia’s Prosecutor General’s Office and Ministry of Internal Affairs. The arrest was first reported by Kommersant and Izvestia, citing sources, and later corroborated by law enforcement contacts through RIA Novosti and TASS.
Young innovators showcased technological solutions for environmental protection The “Sustainable Development” hackathon co-organized by Azercell and Eventify took place at Oxbridge Academy on January 18, 2025. The initiative aimed to unlock the innovative potential of the young people, while fostering the development of environmentally focused technologies, and advancing the startup ecosystem in Azerbaijan.
The Interior Ministry of Azerbaijan has warned citizens about threats arising from the use of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies.
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