On July 3, during the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) summit held in Astana, a joint declaration on establishing a strategic partnership between Azerbaijan and China was adopted. The declaration states that Azerbaijan expresses its desire to join BRICS, and China welcomes Azerbaijan's participation in BRICS cooperation.

Mahir Qasimov, the head of the Analysis and Strategic Research Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, said at the event titled "Azerbaijan and BRICS: Opportunities and Prospects" that Azerbaijan actively cooperates with China and other BRICS members. He noted, "BRICS member states have large labor markets and natural resources. BRICS members are also part of major organizations such as the UN Security Council, G20, and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization. Issues such as territorial integrity and the inviolability of sovereignty are specifically emphasized in BRICS documents. The three main directions within BRICS are political and security, financial and economic, and cultural and people-to-people relations."

BRICS was established in 2006. Until 2024, it had five members: Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa. This year, the United Arab Emirates, Iran, Ethiopia, and Egypt joined the organization.

Economist and member of the Milli Majlis VI convocation, Tahir Mirkişili, told Turan that 20% of Azerbaijan's foreign trade turnover in 2023 was with BRICS members. "Russia and China are our third and fourth largest trading partners. Azerbaijan's economic intention is to actively participate in BRICS' activities related to transport, communication, and trade. This can open up new prospects and opportunities for us."

In his opinion, Azerbaijan can play a significant role in the trade turnover between China-Europe, Russia-India-Iran. "The intensification of the 'East-West' and 'North-South' corridors, created over many years with great efforts, promises us significant economic benefits. Azerbaijan's partnership relations with both the European Union and BRICS, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, are steps taken in line with our country's economic policy and the new realities emerging in the world."

Mirkişili emphasizes that BRICS member countries advocate for equal relations with the West and are leaders in their respective regions. "Another good feature of BRICS is that it does not impose restrictions on membership in other alliances. That is, member countries can cooperate with other economic and power centers in line with their national interests. Membership in BRICS aligns with Azerbaijan's foreign policy principles of multilateral cooperation and our economic policy goals. I believe that Azerbaijan, which has good partnership relations with both the West and the East, will secure its national interests in both poles."

Economist Natig Jafarli recalls that the issue of accepting new members into the BRICS organization is periodically discussed. "Even our brotherly country Turkey has expressed such a desire. Turkey has participated in some BRICS meetings as a guest. If Azerbaijan wants to join this organization together with Turkey, it makes sense."

The expert notes that from an economic standpoint, Azerbaijan's economy is more connected to the West. "80% of our exports go to European countries. If we include the United Kingdom, Israel, and Switzerland, which are not EU members, this figure is even higher. In terms of investment, we are also more connected to the West. Italy has been our largest trade partner for years."

According to Jafarli, BRICS membership could create additional economic opportunities. "The day before yesterday, a strategic partnership agreement was signed with China. This is normal, as China has always been among the top three in our imports for the last 20 years. With such steps, Azerbaijan is trying to create a multi-faceted economic and political relations format. How successful this will be and whether Azerbaijan's participation in BRICS will affect its relations with the West, time will tell."

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