Windy weather is expected in Baku on Sunday

Windy weather is expected in Baku on Sunday

Baku/06.01.24/Turan: On Sunday, January 7, partly cloudy weather is expected in Baku and the Absheron Peninsula, mostly without precipitation. A moderate southwesterly wind will increase in gusts later in the evening. The air temperature at night will be +4 +7°, in the daytime +10 +15°, the National Hydrometeorological Service under the Ministry of Ecology of Azerbaijan reports.

No precipitation is expected in the regions of Azerbaijan. There will be fog at times in some areas. A gusty easterly wind will blow in the eastern regions. The air temperature will be +1 +6° at night, +10 +15° during the day. -3 -8° is expected in the mountains at night, 0-3° in the afternoon.

It should be noted that January 7 will be a working day in Azerbaijan. —06B-

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