Windy weather is expected in Baku on Tuesday
Windy weather is expected in Baku on Tuesday
On Tuesday, March 5, partly cloudy weather is expected in Baku and Absheron, at times cloudy.
At night and in the morning, there is a chance of light fog in some places, a northeast wind will blow, according to the National Hydrometeorological Service.
Air temperature at night is +1 +6°, during the day +9 +14°.
Tomorrow, short-term precipitation is expected in some mountainous areas, there is a chance of snow.
There will be fog at night and in the morning, and an easterly wind will blow.
Air temperature will be +1 +6° at night, +10 +15° during the day. Also,-3 -8° is expected in the mountains at night, 0 +5° in the afternoon.
There is a chance of ice in some mountainous areas at night.--
- In World
- 4 March 2024 14:12
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