

To the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Mr. Ilham Aliyev,
and the Vice President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Mrs. Mehriban Aliyeva

From: Amina Fevzi gizi Hajieva
(Sister of the former chairman of the International Bank)

Dear Mr. President and Mrs. Vice President,

I am writing to you with deep hope and an earnest plea for help. For nine years, I have sought a resolution to my dire situation through various state institutions, including the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Main Department for Combating Organized Crime, the Penitentiary Service of the Ministry of Justice, and the State Property Service. Unfortunately, my appeals have been met with silence, forcing me to turn to the courts. Despite exhausting all judicial avenues, I remain without justice, and now I turn to you directly, relying on your compassion and leadership.

For years, I have been unable to sell my apartment. Officials from the State Property Service informed me that my name was included in a certain list, allegedly provided by the Main Department for Combating Organized Crime in 2015. This inclusion resulted in a ban on the sale of my property. I have no debts and have never taken any loans. The reason for this restriction remains a mystery to me.

Furthermore, my brother, Jahangir, who is currently incarcerated, has been denied the ability to issue a power of attorney to his lawyer for managing civil matters. Despite repeated written and verbal requests to the Penitentiary Service, we have received no response. This silence only exacerbates our anxiety and sense of helplessness.

Adding to our suffering is Jahangir’s deteriorating health. His condition is alarming: he suffers from hypoxia, a lack of oxygen to the brain and heart. Forced to live in a barrack with 200 other inmates, he regularly experiences episodes of illness. Medical professionals who occasionally visit Correctional Facility No. 13 have refused to provide us with any documentation of his health, citing the absence of authorization.

Mrs. Mehriban Aliyeva,
I appeal to you as a mother, a sister, and a woman. Over these nine torturous years, I have endured unimaginable trials. But as a sister, I feel it is my duty to persistently seek justice.

I am lost and desperate. I humbly and urgently request your intervention.

With deep respect and unwavering hope,
Amina Fevzi gizi Hajieva


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