Tagi Ahmedov
The Sabunchu district court of Baku continues the trial in the criminal case of the former head of the Main Directorate for Security in the Sphere of Energy and Transport of the abolished MNS, Major-General Akif Chovdarov and others. Public interest in this event is not weakening.
Not only because the hearings reveal the mechanism of criminal activity of high-ranking officers of the secret services of the country, but also very interesting facts about high-ranking officials are published. All this criminal history reminds racketeering at the state level. First a victim is selected, he is watched, telephone conversations are listened to. When the dossier is completely collected for the victim, they attack him and make pressure on him. And racketeers were not thieves or criminal authorities, but MNS generals.
However, very surprising are a mounts of bribes announced at the hearings, which were paid to criminals in epaulets. At a regular hearing under the leadership of the chairman of the Baku Military Court, Habib Hasanov, testimony was given by the former head of Bakı Metropoliteni, Tagi Ahmedov. When lawyers asked if he had any demands, he wished that his three billion manat be compensated. After the meeting, T. Ahmedov refused to answer journalists' questions.
It is a great question if his wish will be satisfied. At the trial, Judge Habib Hasanov for some reason did not allow the lawyers of the main person involved in the case of Akif Chovdarov to ask the victim T.Ahmedov about the origin of 3 million manat, equivalent to 3.2 million dollars at the time of the conclusion of the "transaction."
"We wanted to ask how this money was earned: 3 million manat is equal to the volume of Ahmedov's salaries for 44 years! We have an accounting statement about the amount of salary of Tagi Akhmedov when he was the head of Bakmetropoliten. As per document, the annual amount of his salary is 20- 25 thousand manat. With the accumulation of these amounts since 2006, when he headed the Moscow underground economy, it will make 200, or approximately 300 thousand manat, but not 3 million. "But we could not find out where the person took this money," reporters were told by the lawyer Sadiq Rasulov.
It would be better to ask similar question the accused in this case, Vidadi Zeynalov, the former head of the Ministry of Communications and High Technologies, who compensated the state for damage worth 2 million manat a few days ago. Currently, the amount of non-compensated damage is 4 million 220 thousand manats. Former chairman of the Baku Telephone Communication Production Association Beitulla Huseynov also reimbursed the damages in the amount of 10 million manat earlier.
The sums voiced during the trial are impressive and illustrate the scale of corruption in Azerbaijan. This is visible side of the iceberg. And what is in the underwater part?
Information about the testimony given by Tagi Ahmedov caused responses in social networks. There are neither regrets nor support for the victim, only questions ...
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