To Leyla Yunus:
Dear Leyla Khanum, please accept my heartfelt congratulations on the day of your birth, which not in vain, apparently coincided, as if in defiance, with the date of birth of a tyrant of all time. I think you have faced the fate of a fighter, speaking under modern terminology, for human rights and against all forms of discrimination against a person. I hope, because I have nothing to do but hope, that the authorities and punitive bodies will eventually choose prudence and common sense, and noble sentiments of justice and humanity inherent to our people will displace wild vindictiveness and malice, and the humiliating and degrading insulation will end at last, and you will gain long-awaited freedom. In the meantime, I sincerely wish you courage, fortitude, endurance and patience. Once again, many happy returns of the day!
Chingiz Huseynov.
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