Kerimli: Bill on Sanctions - Serious Warning to Baku

The leader of the Popular Front Party Ali Kerimli called logical the decision taken by the Helsinki Commission of the US Congress "Act of democracy in Azerbaijan - 2015", which provides for the imposition of sanctions against the official Baku in connection with the violation of human rights.

On his Facebook page, he wrote:

"The act of democracy in Azerbaijan" was a tougher bill than I expected. It provides for visa bans and the freezing of bank accounts not only of the authorities involved in the suppression of human rights and corruption, but also their families.

It even provides for a break of economic ties with the government of Azerbaijan, including in the energy sector. It's clear that this document can be denied or relented after the intervention of the US administration."

In the view of Kerimli, the blame for the emergence of such a draft law is on the Azerbaijani authorities themselves, for they arrest innocent people and use trumped up charges, arrange fake elections and ignore the criticism from international organizations.

The adoption of such a document by the Helsinki Commission is an open and serious message of the international community, which is not going to turn a blind eye to the illegal actions of the authoritarian regime.

The Azerbaijani government has been openly told that they should stop repressions and prepare for free elections. The possibilities for that exist, otherwise sanctions are inevitable.

If the authorities do not change their minds, similar actions will also come from the EU.

The authorities should take into account "the bitter lessons of their friends," who have "burned," because Baku has no chance to win the "cold war" with the West.

"Do not torment yourself and the people. For what is it necessary to make the opposition? Does the United States encroach on our independence, or want to occupy our territory? You are required to release political prisoners, refuse of corruption and hold free elections. This is required first and foremost by our people," wrote Kerimli. -03D06-

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