Foreign donors finance the civil sector in Azerbaijan to organize a color revolution. Behind this are hostile circles and pro-Armenian forces. However, these attempts will be prevented and Azerbaijan does not need foreign donors, now we ourselves help others. These were the main points of the head of state before a group of young people in Beylagan last week.
Just after that speech, the Head of the Presidential Administration, Ramiz Mehdiyev, met with editors of pro-government media, where he repeated the allegations against the opposition and NGOs. So, the authorities are convinced that today civil sector is a real threat to the authorities, and it must be destroyed.
However, even in this case, they are inconsistent and illogical, because all NGOs operate within the law, which the authorities tighten periodically. The country has a law on grants, and many other acts in the framework of which works the civilian sector. Therefore, attempts to present it all as subversive activities of hostile forces, seems ridiculous.
The authorities are angry that, despite their attempts, independent NGOs continue to exist and operate - they protect the rights of citizens, inform the international community, puts demands before the authorities and indicate their mistakes. But they act on the basis of current legislation of Azerbaijan, and the actions of the civil sector are absolutely legal.
If we analyze speeches of Aliyev and Mehdiyev in Beylagan before the editors, then the cause of their irritability is clea - the availability of alternative views of data that expose power. But can it be regarded as a hostile activities or order for money from external enemies?
To prevent is the authorities have chosen a simple way - to introduce self-censorship. Calls and threats by Mehdiyeva prove this. He openly threatened "unpatriotic" media and those who dare to continue to act against the state. Power is implied under statehood implied power.
It is difficult to imagine that in a democratic country there is an open threat, and media is ordered to write and say what the power wants; and these threats came from the second person in the state, who undertakes the functions of the censor ...
According to the logic of the authorities it turns out that if a soldier or government official commits treason, then it is unpatriotic to write about it. So , it comes out that those who commit lawlessness, let continue. At the time, the press has written much about corruption of Rasul Guliyev, Ali Insanov, and Farhad Aliyev. Then the authorities also accused the authors of such publications of non-patriotism....
In his speech in Beylagan there was one more important point: it was stated openly stated that all bank transfers are under control, and it is well known who and how much money receives. It seems that the talk is about any illegal networks of illegal activity.
In this sense, I would like to remind the grant of more than $2 million from American donor USAID Lawyers Confederation, which is headed by Ali Huseynov - head of the parliamentary committee on legislation.
Huge amounts of money from foreign donors for many years received and still receive a lot of government agencies of Azerbaijan; and no one was accused them of working for the enemy. These amounts total hundreds of millions of dollars over two decades.
So the question is not the money. When they are given to "their own people", donors are good. If money are to people thinking other way, not like power wants, then it's bad.
Such an approach demonstrates i failure of attempts to sit on two chairs. It is necessary either to prohibit by law to have own opinion, as it was in the Soviet Union, and to admit that there is no democracy, or respect own Constitution and international obligations.
And the last. Someone, who will not say who it is, is not confident that he could behave in this way indefinitely.
A Western expert said once that when authoritarian rulers stop to hear alternative views, they begin to truly believe that their opinion is the only right. Saddam Hussein, Gaddafi, Assad and others though so....
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