Statement of the lawyersof Leyla Yunus

With all the responsibility we state that  the health of  Leyla Yunus  has extremely deteriorated and reached an extreme point.  She is kept  a cold cell without access to hot water. After four surgeries staying in such conditions  sharply  deteriorated  her health.

Under such situation, there is no guarantee that Leyla will survive until the end of this year.

Yunus has a strong character, her psychological condition is stable, but her health is intolerable.

If you do not want to change the measure of restraint on house arrest, then place her immediately to the  hospital prison system.

Lawyers: Khalid Bagirov, Javad Javadli, Fariz Namazly, Alaif Hasanov, Elchin Gambarov.

October 3, 2014. -02D-

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